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Recharge Bar – NOW OPEN

Get the pre- or post-workout boost you need at the Recharge Bar. Solid physical health starts
with proper nutrition – that’s why our Recharge Bar menu was developed by a nutritionist to
complement a balanced diet and consistent exercise routine. Each flavour is low in calories and packed with the essential vitamins and nutrients you need to recover from and fuel your
workouts. Level up with your choice of whey protein, vegan/sprouted protein, or collagen protein at no additional cost. Choose from one of our four flavours with monthly rotating features coming soon.

Beet Bomb

Ingredients: Strawberries, apple, fresh beet juice, avocado, & lemon juice
Besides its Instagram worthy colour, we are obsessed with the purifying benefits of this
smoothie, and triple threat of vitamin K, folate and vitamin C. This is one beat that you won’t want to drop.

Chocolate PB

Ingredients: Bananas, peanut butter, dates, cocoa powder & oat milk.
Chocolate and peanut butter – we dare you to name a more iconic duo. This is the perfect
recovery smoothie after a tough workout thanks to the extra boost of protein from the peanut
butter and the high potassium content to ward off muscle cramps. This smoothie also doubles
as a guilt-free sweet treat thanks to the added dates.

Cinnamon Roll

Ingredients: Vanilla protein powder, vanilla extract, cinnamon, flaxseeds & oat milk.
Cut the calories and keep the flavour with our Cinnamon Roll shake. Fact: not only is cinnamon delicious, it’s also one of the healthiest spices on the planet with heart health benefits.
Flaxseeds provide a rich source of healthy fat, antioxidants and fibre, solidifying this flavour as your number 1 choice after a heart-pumping workout.

Green Power

Ingredients: Cucumber, baby kale, celery, apple, mango, mint & coconut water.
Pump up the jam with our Green Power smoothie, packed with super greens and hydrating
electrolytes. In addition to being sources of vitamins B, C and K, the baby kale, cucumber and celery promote a healthy digestive tract, while the mangoes give your skin a youthful glow from the inside out.

Learn more about our recharge bar!
